Welcome to Annapolis Canoe and Kayak (And SUPs!)
THE "On the Water" Specialty Store
Since 1991!
Local/Family Owned and Operated
We are observing our offseason hours at this time.
Thanks for another great season!!
Current Inventory
We are now carrying Stellar Kayaks!
Lightweight Options
Wenonah Canoes (from 30 lbs.)
Current Designs Kayaks (from 32 lbs.)
Northstar Canoes (from 20 lbs.)
Nova Craft Canoes (from 38 lbs.)
Hurricane Kayaks (from 36.5 lbs.)
Epic Kayaks (from 26.5 lbs.) and
Eddyline Kayaks (from32 lbs.)
Tandem general recreation kayaks
Hurricane and Current Designs
Fishing kayaks
Old Town’s Sportsman line
Light Touring kayaks
Current Designs, Eddyline, Epic, Stellar, Wilderness Systems, Dagger, Hurricane, and Perception.
Sea Kayaks
Current Designs, Eddyline, Epic, Stellar and Dagger
Sit on top kayaks
Old Town, Ocean Kayak, Perception, Wilderness Systems, Eddyline and Hurricane
We also have a great selection of PFDs and paddles
Thank you!!!
All of us at ACK
Please feel free to email us if you have any questions at all: dave@annapoliscanoeandkayak.com
Annapolis Canoe and Kayak sells and rents canoes, kayaks and paddle boards, plus all the related gear and equipment you need to spend a day – or a lifetime – out on the water. Our large warehouse is packed with racks of paddle-powered boats of all colors and shapes.
We stock a wide range of boats so that you can try them out on the water before choosing which one to buy.
Over 200 boats/boards in stock
At ACK, every day is a demo day!
Come on by and demo from our floating dock on Spa Creek.
Specials and Inventory
Current Bay Conditions
Join our mailing list!
Just text paddleeastport to 22828! :)